I'd like to know how many people out there have had problems with Sprint PCS, and if so, did you get a satisfactory outcome? How many times did you have to contact them concerning the problem? Did they tell you one thing, than turned around and it was different? Well, this is exactly what has happened to me! As the Native Americans would say, "they speak with forked tongue"! Let me tell you of my troubles with them.....sit back, relax, and then after reading my tale, tell me what you think.
It all started back in Jan.6th. 2011. I decided I would get an up-grade to my phone. I went to the Sprint store and was looking at the phones on display. A very nice gentleman, by the name of Thomas, came up to me and asked if he could help me. I told him I was thinking of getting a new phone. He went to his computer, and after answering a few questions he pulled up my account and told me that I was entitled to not just 1 phone but 2 if I wanted, I have been with them for YEARS as well as retired from Sprint. Well, Mr Thomas explained everything to me, and said if I didn't like the new phone to bring it back within 30days. (The new phone was touch screen, and had smaller keys than my old one and I wasn't sure if I would be able to use it.)So I left the store excited to try this new phone. A tried to use the phone for a few weeks and was having trouble texting because of the small key board on the touch screen. I also received a notice from my mortgage company that my payments were being increased because the rates went up. After serious thought, weighing the pros and cons, I decided to turn the phone back in. I went back to the store on Jan. 31st and talked to a Mr Roman, another very nice gentleman, and told him of my plight. He told me of the $35 restock fee charged to customers who upgrade a device and return it for a different model/color, or return to their previous device, which is what I wanted to do. (Thank heavens I kept my old phone and didn't turn it into them!) Mr Roman said that everything would be put back to where it was, and I would owe once again $49.99 a month.
You can imagine my surprise when my bill came in due by Feb. 3rd of $247.86! On Feb. 16th, I went back down to the store to see what was going on! The clerk from the store called customer service and handed me the phone to talk to them. Unfortunately, I didn't get the name of the representative from customer service. I explained everything to her and she said it was just that the return hadn't gotten credited to my account yet, and that my bill was $44.91. I said are you sure this is what I owe. She again reassured me that was the total, and my next payment of $36.99 will be due in APRIL! I said you mean March, she said no, April 3rd. Well, when the next bill came it was $213.49 due April 3rd. On April 3rd I went back to the store and talked with a Tracy in customer service, and she said that unfortunately, there were no notes from my conversation from Feb. Ms Tracy said I owed $75.00 and again the credit for the phone was not on my account at the time of billing. I asked again, if this was all I owed, and everything would be up to date. She assured me she had entered everything and all was good.
Next bill was for $174.20 billing date April 14! I subtracted the $75.00 that I had paid on the 20th of April and that left $99.20. I called customer services and made arrangements to pay $50.00 by May 2nd, and the balance of $49.20 by May 19th. I also wanted to cancel my contract on the end of the billing cycle, which is the 10th at midnight. On May 11th at 8:00 am called customer service again because the phone was still working. I was told that I couldn't cancel it because I had already started into the next billing cycle by Edward. I said I want to speak with a supervisor! He said it won't do any good, he will tell me the same thing! He then transferred me to billing. Talked to a Sarah and told her I waned a supervisor. She said just a moment, put me on hold, then came back and said it would be a little wait to speak to a supervisor, and could she help me. I told her I wanted to cancel my contract. She said Oh I can help you with that. She said that I had already started into my next billing date. I told her I was NOT going to pay for another month and it has expired at midnight on the 10th and it should be noted on the account that I wanted it canceled! She said she would put a block on it. I told her I wasn't paying any more than the $49.20 that I had already made arrangements to pay on the 19th.! Well, we hung up, and after a while, I thought, I'm going to check to see if it works so about 9:30 am. I tried to call a friend, and got a recording that my phone wasn't programed to make calls. You can imagine my relief thinking I finally got everything resolved!!
WRONG!!!! On May 14th, I got 2 texts! I thought what the heck???? So I'm back on the phone to customer service! I was fit to be tied! I told the man what was going on and I wanted this service canceled! He put me on hold, then came back and said the only thing he could do was put me on seasonal rate, and pro-rate the 4 days in which I had service which would be about $6 or $7, and then it would cancel on the 10th of June. OH YES, he also told me that the voice was blocked, but everything else was working!! NOW I ask you, who in their right mind would block voice, and keep everything else??? The final payment would be about $55.19 which includes the $49.20 that I have made arrangements to pay. So I said fine. The phone has no service..... FINALLY!!
I went on line to look at my account today, and lo and behold,..... there is a total due of $80.76 due 6/3!!! Now, lets see, there is $49.20 due, then another $6 or $7 which equals $55.20 or $56.20...., NOT $80.76!! I was told it would be $55.20!! WHERE DID THE EXTRA $25.50 COME FROM??? THEY LIE!...... OH, on their behalf, I'm sure it can be explained away with this fee or that fee!
I'm DONE with them!! COMPLETELY fed up! I will say tho, this was only the 2nd time I've had trouble, and both happened whenever their was any changes to my account. Thank You for reading..have a good day!