Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today, I have been participating in a blog challenge for the second time. My first was last month. What is a blog challenge you say? Well, I belong to a group of Wonderful people who have been brought together by Danna Crawford, from all over the world, through the use of the internet. Danna started this group a year ago, and named it "Virtual Online Learning". We are always learning, weather it is finding resolutions to problems we might be experiencing with the internet, or having a problem with our computer. Whatever the problem, we can post it on the Virtual Online web site, and someone will come to our rescue! There is always somebody to help us. All of our members read the posts, can give input in our "meetings", suggest topics for discussion, and get answers to questions. What is so Awesome about this is, we have the opportunity to "meet" a whole new set of potential friends from all over the world, and learn from them. Weather it be blogging, eBay buying or selling, or social networking! These challenges gives everyone a little push to just get in there and try! Some of us, like me who is a little shy, need that push. I am new to the blogging world, and am trying hard to improve. I have gained some very good information through the VOL members participation of these challenges. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to participate, and I look forward in reading your blogs. Have a blessed day!

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